Release packages details

Request number: A-2017-01021

Request details
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Release packages details
Number of pages
RG146-A, R929-2-8-E, Volume number: 4872, File number: IA 114-12, File title: The Nature of the Threat to Our National Security - CRS Document - Lecture by D.G. John Starnes, Record part of: Registry records of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [textual record (some electronic, some microform)], Date: 1970, Item ID number: 184653 Disclosed in part 114
RG146-A, R929-2-8-E, Volume number: 4872, File number: IA 114-3-4, File title: Canada and Internal Security - Lectures to National Defence College - by A/C Draperwallet, Record part of: Registry records of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [textual record (some electronic, some microform)], Date: 1972-1973, Item ID number: 184653 Disclosed in part 46

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