Release packages details

Request number: A-2017-01031

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RG73, R1184, Accession/BAN: 2016-00616-1, Box: 12, File number: 7/10/A/3, File part: 1, File title: Intelligence Advisory Cte Weekly Intelligence Reports (IAC), Record part of: Operational records of the National Security Directorate [textual record], Date: 1972, Item ID number: 4933943 Disclosed in part 125
RG73, R1184, Accession/BAN: 2016-00616-1, Box: 12, File number: 7/10/A/3, File part: 2, File title: Intelligence Advisory Cte Weekly Intelligence Reports (IAC), Record part of: Operational records of the National Security Directorate [textual record], Date: 1972-1973, Item ID number: 4933943 Disclosed in part 94
RG73, R1184, Accession/BAN: 2016-00616-1, Box: 12, File number: 7/10/A/3, File part: 3, File title: Intelligence Advisory Cte Weekly Intelligence Reports (IAC), Record part of: Operational records of the National Security Directorate [textual record], Date: 1973, Item ID number: 4933943 Disclosed in part 2008
RG73, R1184, Accession/BAN: 2016-00616-1, Box: 13, 14, 15, File number: 7/10/A/3, File part: Wallet, File title: Intelligence Advisory Cte Weekly Intelligence Reports (IAC), Record part of: Operational records of the National Security Directorate [textual record], Date: 1953-1992, Item ID number: 4933943 Disclosed in part 3942

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